Is the university tutor legitimate?

This website appears to be fraudulent. Tutors may seem very expert in their conversations with students and yet they don't actually deliver once they're selected. The tutor and the student agree on the price, and payment is withheld by the company until the end of the agreed “contract”. The question becomes the quality of tutors in terms of education, background, experience and actual performance. To ensure that you are getting the best possible tutoring service, it is important to look for Profs online research methods tutors who have the necessary qualifications and experience.

As the name implies, the company provides tutoring in all academic subjects to high school and college students, along with preparation for exams. Quality and customer satisfaction are really the business of the tutor who selects a student, so the responsibility rests entirely with the student. The company makes this very clear and tells students that it is their responsibility to “interview tutors and make wise selections. Students enter their need for tutoring on the university tutor's website, then it is published, potential tutors contact students for “interviews” and the student makes the final selection.

I thought about finding a specialized tutor to help me with some difficult courses, but I didn't get a good specialist here.

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