Employability Skills For Graduates [6 Key Skills] University Tutors

In today's competitive job market,having employability skills is essential for graduates striving to stand out toprospective employers. These abilities, which are highly sought afterregardless of the degree or career field, can significantly increase a candidate'schances of securing employment.

This article will explore the six keyemployability skills that employers look for in graduates:

1.         Communication:Communication skills can be assessed through various means, including writtendocuments, verbal responses, body language, and interactions with others.

2.         Teamwork:Teamwork skills can be exhibited through group projects, sports teams, andinternships.

3.         Organisingand planning: Organising and planning abilities involve efficient timemanagement and prioritisation.

4.         Problem-solving:Problem-solving skills require a logical, analytical, and creative approach.

5.         Professionalism:Professionalism encompasses various aspects such as self-management, attentionto detail, responsibility, commercial awareness, respect, and integrity.

6.         Workingindependently: Working independently is invaluable in the workplace and can bedemonstrated through independent work, problem-solving, and generatinginnovative ideas.

Showcasing these skills effectively inCVs, cover letters, and interviews is vital. Employability skills can beacquired through academic studies, extracurricular activities, and voluntaryexperiences. By developing and exhibiting these transferable skills, graduatescan enhance their employability and secure rewarding career opportunities.

Key Takeaways

In today's competitive job market, having employability skills isessential for graduates wanting to stand out to prospective employers. Theseabilities, which are highly sought after regardless of the degree or career field,can significantly increase a candidate's chances of securing employment.

Thisarticle will explore six key employability skills that employers look for ingraduates:

1.         Communication:Communication skills can be assessed through various means, including writtendocuments, verbal responses, body language, and interactions with others.

2.         Teamwork:Teamwork skills can be exhibited through group projects, sports teams, andinternships.

3.         Organisingand planning: Organising and planning abilities involve efficient timemanagement and prioritisation.

4.         Problem-solving:Problem-solving skills require a logical, analytical, and creative approach.

5.         Professionalism:Professionalism encompasses various aspects such as self-management, attentionto detail, responsibility, commercial awareness, respect, and integrity.

6.         Workingindependently: Working independently is invaluable in the workplace and can bedemonstrated through independent work, problem-solving, and generatinginnovative ideas.

Demonstrating these skills effectively in CVs, cover letters, andinterviews is vital. Employability skills can be acquired through academicstudies, extracurricular activities, and voluntary experiences. By developingand exhibiting these transferable skills, graduates can enhance their employabilityand secure rewarding career opportunities.

What are they?

The six key employability skills for graduates, which includecommunication, teamwork, organising and planning, problem-solving,professionalism, and working on one's own initiative, are essential attributesthat recruiters seek evidence of, regardless of the degree or career field.

Theseskills can be developed through various methods such as academics,extracurricular activities, or voluntary experiences. In job interviews,candidates are expected to demonstrate these skills through their CVs, coverletters, and interview answers.

Communicationskills can be assessed through various means such as written work, publicspeaking, or customer service roles. Teamwork skills can be demonstrated throughgroup assignments, sports teams, or internships. Organising and planning skillscan be improved by meeting deadlines and balancing academics with otherresponsibilities. Problem-solving skills can be assessed throughcompetency-based questions or hypothetical interview scenarios.

Overall,these skills are transferable and highly valued by employers in the recruitmentprocess and in the workplace.

Important skills

Important abilities that are highly prized in the job market includecommunication, teamwork, organising and planning, problem-solving,professionalism, and working independently.

These skills are essential for people to effectively navigate thecompetitive job market. Employers place a great emphasis on communicationskills as they are critical for conveying information and collaborating withcolleagues.

Teamwork skills demonstrate the ability to work productively in agroup setting, which is often required in the workplace.

Organising and planning skills are important for organising tasksand managing time effectively.

Problem-solving skills show a logical and analytical approach toresolving issues.

Professionalism encompasses various traits such as attention todetail, responsibility, and integrity.

Lastly, the ability to work independently and show initiative ishighly valued by employers.

People can develop these skills through academic coursework,extracurricular activities, and work experiences, which can be highlighted intheir CVs and interviews to demonstrate their worth to potential employers.


Communication skills are vital for effectively conveying informationand working with others in various professional contexts. Active listening is akey component of communication, as it enables individuals to understand andinterpret messages accurately. By actively listening, individuals can obtaininformation, clear up any uncertainties, and create positive relationshipswith others.

Furthermore,non-verbal communication, such as body language, facial expressions, andgestures, also has a considerable impact on conveying messages and formingconnections. Being aware of non-verbal cues and using them effectively canimprove communication and guarantee that messages are comprehended correctly.

Employersvalue applicants who possess strong communication skills, as they aid insuccessful teamwork, problem-solving, and general productivity in theworkplace. Demonstrating proficient listening and non-verbal communicationskills can set candidates apart and boost their employability prospects.


Teamworkis a vital part of professional settings as it enables people to collaboratesuccessfully and attain shared objectives. Efficient collaboration necessitatesworking together to reach an agreed goal, taking advantage of each teammember's talents and skills.

Constructingstrong relationships within a team is crucial for encouraging a positive andproductive work atmosphere. This involves building trust, efficientcommunication, and mutual respect between team members.

Bycooperating, people can use their varied views and experiences to createinnovative solutions and make informed decisions. In addition, teamwork boostsefficiency and productivity, as tasks can be divided among team members basedon their expertise and capabilities.

Ultimately,the capacity to function effectively as part of a team is highly regarded byemployers as it encourages synergy and propels success in the workplace.

Organizing and planning

Organising and planning skills involve efficiently managing time andprioritising work tasks in order to meet deadlines and achieve objectives.These skills, also known as time management or prioritisation skills, areessential for graduates in the workplace.

Employers value candidates who can effectively plan and organisetheir work, as it demonstrates their ability to handle multipleresponsibilities and complete tasks in a timely manner. Time management skillsare assessed during the recruitment process and can be demonstrated throughmeeting deadlines, balancing academics with other responsibilities, and gainingexperience through internships.

Candidates should showcase their organising and planning skills intheir CVs, cover letters, and interviews to provide evidence of their ability toeffectively manage their time and prioritise tasks to achieve desired outcomes.


Problem-solving skills are essential for graduates in the workplaceas they require a logical, analytical, and creative approach to effectivelytackle complex problems and make informed decisions. Employers value people whocan pinpoint, define, and evaluate potential solutions to any issues thatarise. There are different problem-solving techniques and strategies thatgraduates can use to improve their problem-solving skills, such as the IDEALtechnique. This method involves identifying the problem, defining thedifficulties, assessing possible solutions, taking action on a course ofaction, and considering the results. By applying this technique, graduates canshow their ability to think critically and come up with novel solutions.Problem-solving skills can be evaluated through competency-based questions,hypothetical interview questions, psychometric tests, game-based assessments,and in-tray exercises. Graduates can further develop and demonstrate theirproblem-solving skills through work experience, studies, or extracurricularactivities.

Frequently AskedQuestions

How cangraduates improve their employability skills outside of academics andextracurricular activities?

Graduatescan improve their employability skills outside of academics and extracurricularactivities by seeking networking opportunities and gaining internshipexperiences. These experiences offer practical exposure and enable graduates tocultivate valuable skills in a professional setting.

What are someexamples of specific hard skills that may be required for certain jobs?

Examplesof specific hard skills that may be required for certain jobs includeprogramming languages for software developers, accounting skills for financialanalysts, and medical knowledge for doctors. These skills are essential forcarrying out specific tasks in a particular profession.

Can you providetips on how to effectively demonstrate communication skills in a CV or coverletter?

Tipsfor showcasing communication skills in a job application: Use clear andsuccinct language, provide specific examples of your communicationcompetencies, and emphasise relevant experiences such as public speaking orcustomer service roles.

How can graduatesshowcase their problem-solving skills in a job interview?

Todemonstrate problem-solving skills in a job interview, graduates can describereal-life situations where they faced difficulties and employed innovativeapproaches to resolve them. This shows their capacity to think analytically andeffectively tackle issues in the workplace.

Are there anyspecific examples or case studies that demonstrate the value of anemployability skills portfolio to an organization?

Developingan employability skills portfolio can demonstrate the value to an organisationby showcasing a candidate's transferable skills gained from outside academics.This provides evidence of their ability to contribute effectively in variouswork settings, demonstrating their skills and abilities in a way that is easyto understand.

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